Based on all the posts I’ve been seeing; I take it you get the picture of how to effectively work from home. Plot twist, this is NOT about working from home. While working is definitely important (Andy paid me to say that), I think it is equally important to stay engaged with your team; outside of virtual morning meetings and have a bit of fun.
Now let’s take it back to 8:30am on yesterday’s sunny Wednesday morning. I made my coffee, buttered (peanut buttered) my toast, and switched on my laptop. I peeped a calendar invite named “Team Night Out”, and thought it was a bit ambitious to already be planning this but rolled with it. Before I could click accept, I noticed it was for 6:00pm next Wednesday! I won’t lie, my initial reaction was, “how on earth…and really?! That’s the start of my 8-hour Netflix binge!”.
After reading the message saying, “Virtual team night out, go grab yourself a bottle of wine, expense it, and let’s have a boogie” (in my own words), I thought this was absolutely brilliant!!! Enjoying each other and the reason we are part of this company is critical during a time like this and is a great representation of why our values are drive, own, nurture and in this instance; enjoy.
We are all sat here focused so much on how to effectively work, how we are going to keep our jobs, how we are going to keep our candidates engaged, and focusing so much on the future. However, I haven’t seen anyone discuss the reality of still needing a work-life balance (besides afternoon yoga). I don’t know about you, but we sometimes enjoy a cold pint to wrap up the day in the office. It was so refreshing to see my managers still thinking about what makes Vertical Advantage, well, Vertical Advantage. Besides our services to clients and candidates; it’s our internal company culture (and one of the reasons I joined).
If your company isn’t doing this, you can still get connected with millions of people around the world through virtual pub quizzes, virtual dance parties, and house party.
Working from home doesn’t have to be all work, work, work; we can still engage with our team and have a bit of fun in a time that doesn’t seem so fun. It is such a wonderful feeling to see my managers focus on something outside of just “business” and do something to bring the team together We are small but mighty.